Bruno Pasquinelli


I'm Bruno Pasquinelli, a senior at the University of Chicago majoring in Media, Arts, and Design. I'm one of the lead members of Slandercast Studio, an independent artist collective/student-led games studio based out of Chicago - we make quirky, strange games in response to the world around us!

My work focuses on non-traditional and educational games, and have worked as a QA tester at Studio Chyr, as well as on research-based educational game projects like CENE and Hexacago Health Academy 2.0. At college, I'm the Head of Student Communications at the Media, Arts, and Data Design Center at UChicago, and am majoring in Media, Arts, and Design with a focus in games. 

I'm originally from Dallas, so the Chicago weather has been quite a change for me! In my free time, I like listening to alt music, ice skating, or watching horror movies (my favorite is Ringu.) 

For any questions or inquiries, you can reach me at
